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Built-in Software Features
- For EDLCs Analysis
- Measurement of constant current charge-discharge test with given voltage compliance.
- Plot cyclic voltammetry curve
- Curve fittings for ideal RC model and nonlinear real model R-CPE(Q , α).
- Calculation of energy vs. time plots
- Calculation of energy vs. power curve
- Self-discharge analysis
- Cycle life testing
- For Battery Analysis
- Measurement of the constant current charge-discharge curve with given voltage compliance.
- Analysis of both charge and discharge data
- Self-discharge analysis
- Cycle life testing
- Limit based analysis (voltage, current, temperature, ohmic value)
- General capabilities:
- I-V tracing for solar cell
- Use as potentiostat with 4 wires
- Use as galvanostat
- 4-probe resistance measurement
- Use as lead-acid, Li-ion, Li-polymer battery charger up to 8A and 20 V
- All data and graphs can be directly saved as ®Microsoft Excel files
- All measurement parameters can be saved and reload when needed to repeat at the same experiment.